Sexual Relationships. Is it good or bad?
What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “Free Relationships.“? Rage, resentment, anger? Then this article is definitely not for you! To everyone else, enjoy reading it! In the West, free sexual relations have long been the norm, but in Russia the situation is more severe. Our mentality is just screaming in our ears: “What kind of freedom can there be if you are married or have a husband? You can’t do that. It’s heresy, it’s shameful.” Most surprising is the phrase: “It’s not the Russian way. Friends, how is it Russian? I guess that question is rhetorical…

Many people these days are secretly looking for this kind of relationship, but are afraid to say so directly. Believe me, there is nothing wrong with two people giving themselves complete freedom. On the contrary, such freedom strengthens the relationship and brings bright colors to it.
There are many dating sites where married couples look for a friend or a friend (girlfriend). And there is no shortage of single unmarried people who want to find a couple for a good time and sex! This is absolutely normal. After all, if you are a couple, the main thing is that you always come first for each other. And freedom – it’s an ephemeral feeling. Some people need it, some are ready to give their last pants, just to be under someone else’s control.
What to do if a girl has proposed an open relationship?
Maybe we shouldn’t panic and go into a rage to begin with. Let’s figure out what that even means. It is, first of all, everything that is between you now, but without jealousy, scandals, lies, claims, and incomprehensible demands. In other words – a conflict-free relationship based on mutual respect and trust.
The point free relations is simple: you shouldn’t get attached to your partner and try to tie him or her down. You just need to live your lives together, enjoy your free time together, enjoy sex, and don’t infringe on each other’s freedom. That’s all the secrets!
If you want to Find a friend or girlfriend for an open relationship or, on the contrary, get to know the person who will become your one and only, welcome to!
On the expanse of our dating site lonely hearts find each other, create strong families or just relationships for the soul! Getting acquainted on the site is very easy! It’s enough to specify the parameters of your future friend (girlfriend) and click on search. The system will automatically find several hundred suitable variants!
Good luck finding love!
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