How to know if foreigner is serious? This is a question most ladies are interested in when they want to meet a man on an international dating site like MeetKing. There is no “formula” that you can apply to figure out if a man wants a serious relationship or not. There is no magic algorithm that you can use to “filter out” suitors. A man may want a serious relationship, but that is no guarantee that a serious relationship will develop with you. A dating relationship that started online should develop in real life. A relationship needs time, a man and a woman need to get to know each other, meet a few times, spend time together to see if their relationship has a future. Don’t make decisions lightly and hastily if your future is at stake, especially if that decision will involve moving to another country and being dependent (even temporarily) on a man.
All people are different. We see new acquaintances and perceive them through the prism of our own experiences, expectations, and perceptions of ourselves. The idea of the relationship that people would like to create is different. For one woman, a serious relationship means that a man provides for her needs completely financially. She cares only about the financial side of the relationship between a man and a woman. The other aspects of the relationship, in this case, are of secondary importance to her. The other woman is looking for a man who will accept her children as his own, who will be a support and a trustworthy friend to them. Just as she would accept his children and be willing to contribute her fair share to the family’s well-being. Likewise, men have different views on relationships. Someone sees in a woman, her beauty and grooming as a reflection of his status, as a confirmation of his ego and agrees that she would be financially dependent on him, and someone is looking for equal relationships and is ready to give his beloved warmth of heart and not to limit her freedom.
In order to understand the mood of your new foreign acquaintance, you need to communicate with him, get to know him. Take the time to communicate with them. It is not enough to say at the beginning of acquaintance that you are looking for a serious relationship and you are not interested in non-serious ones, and wait for things to develop, wait that everything will work out by itself. This statement, made at the beginning of acquaintance, is not capable of saving you from disappointment, not capable of creating a serious relationship between you and your new foreign acquaintance.
What to pay attention to when communicating with a foreigner?
We can’t offer you any secret techniques for unmasking scoundrels. It is necessary to pay attention to how a man treats you, who you feel when you communicate with him: a stranger with whom you exchange pleasantries, or a woman who the man is interested in getting to know. Pay attention to a man’s actions, appreciate men who are willing to do things for you. Beautiful words remain beautiful words.
It is useful to retain a dose of healthy skepticism: in the first letters, serious men do not fall in love for life, do not offer their hand and heart to a lady that they have never really seen (with whom they have not had a real meeting). And in the way of love internet scammers always have an obstacle, solved with money. A serious, real man is not interested in your money, he can solve his own problems. Yes, he will ask you who you work for, but it is a normal interest that concerns only your life (not financial opportunities) and has the goal to develop acquaintance, to get to know you better.
If you’ve never met the person, it’s hard to talk about a real relationship between you. A relationship begins after you meet.
- At the beginning of the conversation, pay attention to how the man addresses you. Does he call you by your name or use an impersonal form of address: stranger, beautiful, etc.
- Does the man take the time to talk to you. When? Is it only during working hours or, in addition to weekdays and the hours he spends at work, do you communicate in the evenings, on weekends and holidays. Do you start the day together and end it together, sending each other good morning and good night, or do you exchange emails once every few days, not knowing the reason for your contact’s long silence. How much time does he give you daily: 10 minutes a day or several hours?
- Does the man respond to your questions. How detailed are his letters, his answers.
- Is he interested in your life, does he ask you questions.
- Whether he is willing to communicate on messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, Skype) or social networks. However, note that not everyone is willing to give their contact information to a stranger. It’s wise to start communicating on an international dating site and, after you get to know each other better, make sure you want to continue dating, exchange phone numbers and arrange a video call.
- Whether a foreigner is willing to come to your country or your city for personal dating.
- Listen to yourself. If something in communication with a man brings you discomfort, seems suspicious (within reasonable limits. After all, suspicions can often arise “out of nothing,” if a woman is used to not trusting men and expecting them to cheat. If a woman is used to not trusting men and expecting them to cheat, it may be a reason to ask your new acquaintance direct questions and rethink the course of your acquaintance.
How Can I Tell If a Foreigner Is Interested In a Serious Relationship?