What is best places to meet girls? It doesn’t matter why you want to meet a girl. If you know the fish places and show basic male initiative, you can set any goals. You can benefit from the experience of seasoned men and my constructive advice. Spend a little time to learn the answer to the question that every second man asks – where to meet a girl. Enjoy reading!
Article content:
- Habitat: good and not so good places to meet a girl
- Where not to meet girls
- The top 5 places for effective dating
- On the long term: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship
- Dating Statistics
- 3 Dating Best Practices
- Overnight: where to meet girls for sex
- All women do it
- Where to meet girls for sex
- Girls on the Net: Where to meet girls on the Internet
- Benefits of Online Dating
- Social networks as a dating resource
- Dating sites pitfalls
- About bulbs: the secret of Thomas Edison’s success
Habitat: good and not so good places to meet girls
The question “where to meet” sounds almost more often than the topical “how. In fact, there are no right places and infallible phrases for dating. But there is a theory of probability and common sense, according to which the club, coffee shop and street are not the best places for dating.
Where not to meet girls
Most guys are sure the club, coffee shop, and street are fishy places. I say to that – corny, boring and ineffective.
- It takes balls to meet a girl on the street, and meanwhile the street has a low efficiency. People are in a hurry, in a hurry, thinking about their own things – it’s hard to take a person out of context and focus on themselves.
- In a coffee shop, people eat or meet for business. Believe me, a rare girl would love to have an unknowing suitor looking into her plate or mouth. And… Such an awkward moment, who to pay the bill to.
- The nightclub is a good place. Its owners have done their best for you-getting the girls in and getting them into an inebriated condition. However, the competition will be frantic, the investment is above average, and the chances of a long-term relationship are almost nil.
Now let’s talk about the geography of successful hunting – where it is easier to meet a girl.
Top 5 places for effective dating
The most profitable places for dating psychologists call: transport, library, fitness room, supermarket and the sea.
- Transportation. Convenient in terms of closed space – at least until the next stop the girl will be forced to listen to your tirades. The main thing – quickly and accurately take a number. Her stop can be the next. Yours, by the way, too, even if it’s not.
- Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall, etc.). This is where psychologically mature girls come, who are ready for both a serious relationship and flirting without commitment. The main thing is that these girls (praise my intelligence) quickly determine where the wind blows from and where it blows. Just as long as your IQ is not compromised.
- Fitness room (yoga courses, swimming pool, dance, etc.). You already have something in common. This is a common, multiplied by the pheromones of a half-naked sweaty body – an excellent springboard for rampant communication. In the end, just nice to know that your chosen one keeps up with the figure. By the way, if you like the girl, but have questions about her figure, remember, she is on her way to perfection.
- Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, and you take advantage of this little female weakness. Check the caloric content of the product, ask about the nuances of cooking. Don’t forget – pick up the phone to get some more nutritional advice.
- The Sea. The environment itself disposes to behave a little immorally. Morality is where home and work are. Here it’s sun, sand, and flirting. And you get what you see, not a cat in a poke. The flaws are there. No makeup, no over-size clothes.
I remind you that where you meet a girl, that’s where you meet her. Don’t wait until a pretty girl walks into a transport, a store, or buys a trip to the sea.
For Perspective: Where to Meet a Girl for a Serious Relationship
The places for dating should be calibrated with an eye on the goal. Of course, you shouldn’t go hunting for girls of the family type in a club, and you shouldn’t look for a girl for a good time in a museum. Although in life, things happen, and in a quiet place, there are devils. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and first-order probabilities. So where to meet a girl for a serious relationship?
Dating Statistics
Let’s look at the statistics on dating, with finals at the registry office (“Without statistics life is a miserable place).
- 27% of married people met in public places like parks, cafes, and movies (a small percentage are in clubs);
- 21% were united through work – as colleagues or through getting to know each other on the basis of their professional activities;
- 17% of spouses had known each other since high school or college, and some had even known each other since the sandbox;
- 16% found out about the existence of each other through friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of intimates.
The others met in other circumstances. We conclude the following – you can meet your “soul mate” in principle anywhere, except the couch (if you are holding a laptop – another matter).
Three dating smart tricks
By the way, do you know what qualities girls appreciate in a man most of all? Start dating with this.
- Girls like to be taken care of. If you help her carry packages from the supermarket, pour oil in the car, or just open the door and let her through, you’ve made an acquaintance.
- Girls like confident. Confident equals sexy. But being confident does not mean to get right into your underpants. It means getting into a state of drive before you start dating and getting maximum pleasure in the process.
- Girls love compliments. Really, saying compliments is an art. And don’t turn it into an art house like this: “You’re so beautiful, I’m ready to crawl 15 kilometers across broken glass to jerk off in your shadow.
Overnight: where to meet a girl for sex
All ages are submissive to love, and a stable and strong erection is temporary. Before love strikes, have sex. You can even find a mistress.
All women do it.
Good sex is appreciated by all. Many people prefer to date in a “no strings attached” format, and girls are no exception. Everyone has her own reasons. Someone wants to try himself as a sophisticated woman-vamp, changing men like gloves. Another just longed for tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice principles. A third… Look, what do you care? Just get it in your gut: women want it, and more than you think. And a lot of them prefer disposable sex. The question is, where do you find one?
Where to meet for sex.
It’s not hard for a professional pickup artist to get a girl into a bunk, even from the library. Others go to the club or to dating sites to get laid. The efficiency is high there and there. And you don’t have to be shy. You are entitled to any whim. In addition to the usual dating portals, there are thematic: do not waste time on Mamba, when there is a “black” if you like harder, and so on. Let’s talk about web dating in more detail, because it is this method of gender communication that is knocked out in the leaders today.
Girls who live online: where to meet on the Internet
It doesn’t matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that pen pal dating existed in the days of her youth. Today, everyone hangs out in the online space – working, socializing, and, of course, making friends.
The benefits of online dating
- You can get acquainted and communicate without having to take your mind off current affairs. It is very convenient in conditions of total lack of time.
- The choice is not limited by anything – it is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
- A godsend for introverts – people “in themselves” who won’t be dragged to public places with either a stick or a carrot.
- It’s easy to make the first step. If on the street sometimes you do not have the balls to approach a girl, on the Internet to make contact – two fingers down on the keyboard.
- Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think about your words. In real life we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.
If for you the Internet has so far been a place where you can download music or watch pornography, it’s time to expand your horizons.
Social networks as a dating resource
Social networks are a godsend for a guy who wants to meet a girl. A social networking account is a sea of “leads” that can easily turn into opponents. Any photo, video or even a like can be used to your advantage. And don’t forget to clean up your page. Put away posts about how chicks are fools and other compromising stuff. Your account should be exemplary.
The pitfalls of dating sites
The main perk of dating sites is their specialized profile. On a dating site, girls want, oddly enough, to hook up. Grab a popcorn, pick a dating site – and make sure. But don’t count on easy pickings and a hundred percent payoff, because…
- Lots of competition. The Internet underestimates the value of the guy and overestimates the importance of the girl. Even the “ugly” ones get a bunch of offers a day. To avoid getting lost in the masses, present yourself to the public at your best. How to fill out a guy’s profile to impress a girl, we told you – click and read.
- Lots of virtual women. A lot of women of different ages will never meet you. They seduce, seduce and self-assert themselves without face-to-face contact. Some are married, some are afraid, and some have nothing to do. A lot of time can be wasted. So don’t get bogged down. Slowly but inevitably move the conversation to a real meeting.
- Lots of illusions. Communicating on the Internet is communicating primarily with a virtual image. That’s the way the brain: possessing a minimum of information, the rest it thinks up. Therefore – see point above. As soon as possible take communication to another level.
I’m not even talking about the scam artists, fools, prostitutes, and other categories of ladies that are sure to come your way. But he who walks the road will find it. Go!
About light bulbs: the secret of Thomas Edison’s success
I repeat it like a mantra: Where a girl likes it, that’s the place to meet her. The street, the concert hall, the dating site-it’s not the place that determines the outcome, it’s your ability to act. And misfires happen to everyone, even pickup gurus. Accept it as a fact: they’ll blow you off. And that’s no reason to go back to your comfort zone. It’s an incentive to bookmark our site and read expert advice on how to improve your personal communication skills.
What does this have to do with light bulbs? Thomas Edison is said to have performed 10,000 failed experiments to create the electric light bulb. The great scientist saw each failure as an experience that moved him closer to success. Take note. Any obstacle lends itself to a stubborn and persistent assault. Good luck!
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