How to write about yourself in a questionnaire on an international dating site? When filling out the questionnaire on an international dating site, beside the automatically offered parameters (hair color; height; weight; simple questions to which you can answer “yes” or “no”), there is an item that includes a “free” text about yourself. Filling in this item, it is important to understand what impression your “about yourself” text will make on a foreigner reading your questionnaire.
Dating sites often offer the option to limit your text to a limited number of characters. This means that you need to formulate your text “about me”, you need not only think about how you want it to impress a man, but also pay attention to the fact that it was not too long. What should you write “about yourself” on an international dating site?
First, let’s talk about what not to write about
- Do not repeat data that are already on your application form. For example, name, age, country of residence, zodiac sign, height, weight, presence or absence of children, etc.
- My name is Jenny, I live in the Germany. My astrological sign is Pisces. I have children. A man will learn all this by reading your profile. You don’t need to repeat this information.
- It is worth refraining from making negative, categorical statements and statements. We are sure that you are looking for new and positive dating. Phrases like: “I don’t believe in dating foreigners” will make a man involuntarily think, what kind of a profile is this? Why and for what reason a woman is still on an international dating site? Many questions may arise. However, a foreigner will not have the desire to get acquainted, write the first message.
- If you want to meet a foreign man, don’t post the text in Russian. He won’t understand it and he’ll wonder if the language barrier will be a serious problem preventing him from getting to know this woman.

What should I write about myself in my profile on an dating site?
- Write your text in English (or in the language of the country you would like to meet the man from). Most foreigners do not speak German, so they will not pay attention to your text if it is written in German.
- Everyone is unique. Talk about what makes you unique.
- What are your interests? What do you like to do in your spare time? What activities inspire you? Do you have an interesting hobby? Or maybe you do charity work, help people in need, animals, or are actively involved in environmental protection? Great, tell us about it!
- What is your worldview? How do you see the world and events in your life? What are you striving for?
- What kind of man would you like to meet? Describe him, but refrain from repeating data already present in your questionnaire (for example, the age of the desired partner you are most likely to have already indicated).
- Do you have a favorite quote, saying, proverb or aphorism? Use them. But, try to make sure the foreigner understands what you want to say. Quotes, proverbs, aphorisms, sayings can not be verbatim translated into a foreign language. And this means that you need to find the correct translation of the expression you use.
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